Hello everybody! I discovered a superb company recently, TOPPBOX, who provide personalised premium grooming and skincare products through a subscription service. They have been featured in GQ, Men’s Health and Esquire and are the UK’s number 1 grooming box!
Capitalising on the popularity of the subscription based Men’s accessories industry they provide a premium personalised grooming service. TOPPBOX features a premium assortment of high quality full and travel sized grooming products, ranging from masculine skincare to woodsy cologne, covering all aspects of your grooming routine.
Simply pop on the TOPPBOX website and fill out your profile. You will then receive your personalised TOPPBOX with an assortment of 4 to 5 premium high quality grooming and skincare products per month. With an average retail value of £50-£80 for only £16! YES, you read that correctly, £16. What’s not to love about that? How about a sample? Well your in luck because I have one to review so lets have a luck.
TOPPBOX sent me the October box to review and I can tell you it is packed with some goodies!
The Henri Lloyd Ocean Mineral Body Moisturiser retails at £38. It is a high performance moisturiser designed to alleviate some of the most common complexion issues us Men have to deal with on a daily basis, including dry, damaged and rough skin. (Its hard being a Man!). The Henri Lloyd Mosituriser will refresh your complexion, hydrate your body and improve your skins elasticity. In my opinion this is a quality moisturiser worthy of any Man’s daily routine. We can neglect our skin sometimes which is something I disagree with. Good skin is essential and a good moisturiser is something every Man needs to have. This doesn’t disappoint! I give it a solid 8/10. Shop the collection on maleskin.co.uk
Barber Pro area an Award winning UK skincare brand. I could leave it at that as the award speaks volumes of their products. However, I have reviewed Barber Pro before (read that post here) and I was very impressed with the results. The Face Putty Peel Off Mask with activated charcoal is great for the skin. It loosens blackheads and cleanses deep into the pores to remove impurities while clarifying and purifying the skin and rebalancing oily areas. Essential part of your skin care routine guys. I love Barber Pro so it is 9/10 for me. Shop the Barber Pro collection on their website. There are 3 sachets of Baber Pro Face Putty in the TOPPBOX.
This distinctive lapel pin is designed by a team of Canadian designers and are hand crafted in Hong Kong, how cool is that?! Each pin is meticulously put together to give the most natural resemblance of a flower. This Lapel Pin features a clever locking mechanism which has to pushed in order to remove the end of it. ThisI love Lapel Pins as they add class to a dapper outfit. This pin will be used for many years to come! I love lapel pins in general and this Howard Matthews one has a great colour scheme to it. Definitely a 10/10. Discover the rest of the wonderful Howard Matthews collection on the website. There are some great pieces!
This smells incredible! I love the scent! I wish you could smell it too, I think you would approve. It smells remarkable like Creed Aventus and if you have smelled that then you will absolutely love this! This perfume is made from 100% vegan ingredients. No.255 is a challenging, masculine and optimistic fragrance. You will fell epic with this pocket rocket. I want to get a bigger bottle however this mini bottle is perfect for everyday top up use. This fragrance is quite strong too so a few squirts is perfect and prolongs the life of this heavenly scent! I love the scent. It smells incredible! Check out Eden Perfumes website and discover more great scents. A great 9/10
Okay, that is a mouthful! Corpore Sanctum are a pretty big big brand with a unique style. Face serums are not for every Man. This one might be the exception since it features this cool Skull bottle. While its packaging is eye catching the contents are equally as impressive. This Face Serum contains Hibiscus Flower Extract. Why does this matter? This is important because it is a natural source of Alphahydroxy Acids which help to control acne breakouts while encouraging Collagen production for healthier looking skin. Impressive stuff! It is also completely Vegan friendly too. Corpore Sanctum have a huge selection on their website with some fantastic products! They sell Skull shaped accessories as well with bluetooth speakers, t-shirt and Unicorn speakers too. My limited usage means I can’t give it 10/10 however I think it is really good so its a solid 8/10 for me.
I hope you enjoyed this reveal and review of TOPPBOX! It is Fashionable Frank approved with a stunning 44/50 in my review (5 products). If TOPPBOX were a contestant on Strictly they would be walking home with the Glitter Ball trophy! As we have discovered the products in the box are pretty good quality and the service is reasonably priced at £16 a month with an average retail value of between £40-£70. That is amazing value I think. TOPPBOX is a great gift idea especially around Christmas time so pick one up for yourself or for the man in your life. All the dapper guys reading this post, treat yourself to one or two of them and see what you think? I don’t think you will be disappointed.
Thanks for reading, I have been Fashionable Frank and you have been Fantastic! Say hello on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, I would love to hear from you.
Until Next Time,